Not another Backwards Barbie but the alias of
Alex Under of CMYK via BeMySheep making eerie dischordant-scat driving-tech 'dancefloor choons'. If the dancefloor was full of people looking like they were having a bit of a spaz.
It's Just a Thing (
128) / Cornbread, Fish & Collard Greens
(Re: pic - Do you dress like the 11 yo girls in this pic? Congratulations, you are 'trendy'.)
trends be damned, i just need more clothing with images of cats on it!
there were quite a few 'junior' jumpers on display last night
I also saw a lot of bum there. No kidding, ACTUAL bum. Kids are crazy these days, you're not Lady Gaga..
Hello, Thanks for posting this, is there anyway you could upload the b-side?
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